Thursday, June 14, 2018

За шофьорите и колоездачите

Добре е шофьорите да видят това интервю и да се замислят защо колездачите правят определени неща, а не само да повтарят като мантра, че правят нарушения. Често си има причини за нарушенията и човек дори да не ги оправдава, добре е да ги разбира. Доста добро интервю с добре подбрани въпроси и адекватни отговори.

Полиция за пример

Колеги колоездачи в другите държави, шофьорите не са по-добри от нас, но имат повече култура и възпитание, не защото така трябва, а защото полицията е по улиците и налага спазване на правилник и закон и правилник, докато тук няма полиция с воля и желание да си свърши работата, няма власти да налагат ред и закон, за това сме в това положение. Полицая е под прикритие, кара в цивилни дрехи, и няма опознавателни знаци като полицай, и това е много добър капан, за залавяне на шофьори без култура и без възпитание, защото точно си мисли а поредния, и поредния е капана в който си се хванал, и трябва така да се прави, точно за да може да залови нарушители, БРАВО на полицията във Обединеното Кралство.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

All different, all equal

I want to share my own thoughts on the social circus project. While i was watching beyond the circus video, presented by Cirkus Tvaers, i took notes, on the ideas and the approach to solve the problems. i want to share my notes with you. All different, all equal - The idea of social circus is to help children and people both physically and mentally. Social circus is trying to fight against discrimination in an unhealthy society which creates and tolerates social groups separation, and if you not belong to any fashionable group of the day, you become outsider, a misfit in society. Social circus makes people unite despite race, political, religious and social believes. No education is needed for children to join the social circus, the social circus will give children good education, trying to find the right school for the children, and help them understand their homework, lessons, it will also help them to learn how to communicate and fit in society. The goal of physical training is not only to develop physical skills, but to develop concentration and focus to solve other tasks, like understanding homework, understanding lessons in school, and to help them fit in the society. Psychological element makes children understand the responsibility of their actions and how people's actions reflect on each other, and to keep them away from the path of crime and drugs. Helping children to overcome their problems, in early age, makes them wish to help other children to overcome their problems. This is how the social circus project creates bridges for people to reach each other. I know i took a very small part in the project, but i was able to see the potential in the project. changing the world starts with changing our hearts. this change is not going to happen over night, but one day we will wake up in a better world for everyone. There is a lot going on in the social circus project. The psychology approach is key to solve lot of problems. I like the approach, to the problem. All different, all equal, yes we are all different, but we also need to overcome the social groups and discrimination created by an unhealthy society. African, Scandinavian, Asian, European Arabic? we are not different we are the same people. We live in different places, but we are not different, we are the same. we are equal. I saw that, making new friends with people of different ages, coming from all around the world, Italy, Bulgaria, France, Egypt, Palestine, Africa, Denmark, and we all opened our hearts for few days. Yes we are all the same, we are all equal. I'm allowed to make mistakes therefore i'm allowed to learn. Defeating the traditional approach mistake-punishment, actually removes a lot of pressure from children, making the learning process faster, easier, and more fun. Teaching children to work together improves their communications and their relationship, it makes them friends not enemies. Teaching them fun and games from the circus make it fun and engaging activity, and along with the physical training, children develop mental training, and as they do so, they develop problem solving skills to help them in school, society. the psychology approach to see what drives them to antisocial behavior like crime and drug abuse, is due to unhealty society discrimination, and making them feel bad for what they are, the traditional mistake-punishment approach, gradually builds aggression, which in one moment just blows out. Redirecting the energy of the children to be creative, to feel that they are useful and what they do matters, actually kills negative behavior, BEFORE it appear. With time these children grow and start to help other children. This the power of circus. The circus is power, yes, the circus is power to make sad people happy. Whomever originally started the idea of social circus is a genius and it takes another genius to see the potential of this idea and to further develop it. This is how circus and circus artists earned my love and respect, for what they do and what sacrifices they do to stay committed to this goal. My deepest respect from the bottom of my heart and the bottom of my soul. I bow to you! Title: Cirkus Tvaers Personal notes: Christian Alexandrov

Олигофрена си е олигофрен

Олигофрена си е олигофрен. То един такъв е достатъчен, да направи някоя малоумщина като тая за да обърне половината хора срещу нас, и да убие усилията на критична маса и велоеволюция.

До малоумния олигофрен срязал гумите на линейката:
абе малоумен олигофрен такъв, ти с какво си друсан? нещо мръсната вода на пералнята ли си изпил вместо сутрешното кафе. Линейката е там защото спасява нечии живот бе профан, заради такива лайна като теб, не можем да постигнем разбирателство между шофьори, колоездачи и пешеходци! Ти не си колоездач, ти си просто боклук на колело, и срамиш всички колоездачи, срамиш и колелото.

Малоумен олигофрен, срязал гумите на линейка, докато линейката обслужва случай